Logo HR Excellence in Research EN
Proces of implementation Logo HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH – start 2016:
European documents:
- The rules of open and transparent recruitment processes based on the candidate’s qualifications (download file)
- European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (download file)
- The list of Polish institutions that have been awarded the distinction is available on the website (download file)
Important pages of Euraxess:
- https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/hrs4r
- https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/useful-information/policy-library#document- collapsible-research-careers-strengthened-hrs4r-process
NIGRiR documents:
NIGRIR 2021 documents:
- Career path of an employee of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
- Positive decision of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on the approval of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, concerning the admission of:
-foreigners in order to conduct scientific research or development works, for a period of 5 years,
-foreigners to undertake internship, for a period of 2 years,
-foreigners as volunteers, for a period of 2 years.
NIGRIR 2020 documents:
- Director’s resolution of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation the name of Prof. Eleonora Reicher, Warsaw 16 January 2020, on the establishment of the Team for the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the definition of the principles of the scientific career at the Institute:
- original paper (download file).
- english version (download file)
NIGRIR 2019 documents:
- Endorsement letter of the HR NIGRiR logo (download file)
- Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) 2019 (download file)
- Gap Analysis and Action Plan 2016-2020 (download file)
NIGRIR 2016 documents:
- The Human Resources Strategy for NIGRR (download file)
The new EU4Health Programme
The Commission has proposed a new, ambitious stand-alone health programme for the 2021-2027 period – the EU4Health Programme. Through the EU4Health Programme, the Commission proposes to invest €9.4 billion in strengthening health systems. EU4Health will support disease prevention (including screening and early diagnosis) and health promotion programmes in Member States.
EU4Health will work closely with the EU’s main research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, which includes a health cluster. Horizon Europe will finance research and innovation on topics such as life-long good health; environmental and social health determinants; non-communicable and rare diseases; infectious diseases; tools, technologies and digital solutions for health and care and healthcare systems. It will also include a research and innovation mission on cancer, one of the Commission’s top priorities in health policy. The EU4Health Programme will help to ensure best use of research results and facilitate the uptake, scale-up and deployment of health innovation in healthcare systems and clinical practice.
Once the proposal is adopted by Member States and the European Parliament, the intention is to start launching specific actions under EU4Health as of 1 January 2021.
For more information: (download file)
budget: (download file)
List of open grants and fellowships for young and senior researchers 2021:
- Maj (download file)
- April (download file)
- March (download file)
- February (download file)
- January (download file)
I. Euraxess
30.03.2020 Spring of HORIZONT 2020 – on line
The National Contact Point (NCP) for Research Programmes of the European Union makes recordings of the last competitions in 2020 available on its website and allows you to contact the speakers. You will be able to ask questions on line during scheduled broadcasts and watch recordings of the meetings held.
You can watch the videos after registering on the KPK website: (download file)
Previous year’s archive
- December 2020 (download file)
- November 2020 (download file)
- October 2020 (download file)
- September 2020 (download file)
- August 2020 (download file)
- July 2020 (download file)
- June 2020 (download file)
- May 2020 (download file)
- April 2020 (download file)
- March 2020 (download file)
- February 2020 (download file).
- January 2020 (download file)
- December 2019 (download file)
- November 2019 (download file)
- October 2019 (download file)
- September 2019 (download file)
II. Webinars for research teams and residents with NIGRiR scientists
Webinar: Hand and Wrist imaging in rheumatoid arthritis & other rheumatic diseases
NEW Research Topic : Immunology – Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Disorders
- Webinar 4.2020 – Rheumatoid Arthritis
Speaker: Prof. Iwona Sudol-Szopinska, Warsaw/PL
Case Presentation: Dr. Grzegorz Pracon, Warsaw/PL
Moderator: Dr. Maria Tzalonikou, Athens/GR
Don’t forget to register!: (download file)
/Registration is free of charge/
- Invitation to publish articles in the Journal of Clinical Medicine
deadline: until 31.01.2021
Guest Editor: PhD Agnieszka Pardaowska-Gorycka, Prof. NIGRIR
You are welcome
Flyer: (download file)
Contact us: (download file)
III. Workshops for research teams and residents at NIGRiR
14 October, at 11 a.m due to the epidemic risk we suspend the workshop until further notice
Science Meeting
11 March, at 11 a.m.
Science Meeting (download file)
March-April, due to the epidemic risk we suspend the workshop until further notice
Workshops: Commercialisation of scientific research (download file).
6 February, at 13.00 p.m
Meeting of researcher’s and clinics heads (download file).
6 February, at 10.00 a.m
Individual consultation with scientific researchers (part 2) (download file).
28 January, at 10.00 a.m
Individual consultation with scientific researchers (part 1) (download file).
28 January, at 10.00 a.m
During the meeting will be presented the conditions for applying for a scientific position at NIGRiR.
The meeting will be hosted by a consultant from Index Copernicus (download file).
14 January, at 10.00 a.m.
Workshops: Business and Research (R&D) projects (download file).
16 December at 10.00 a.m.
During the workshops, the formal conditions of participation in EU competitions will be presented, including MSCA RISE and practical guidelines for the preparation and submission of a project application (download file).