Rheumaorthopedics Clinic and Polyclinic
Acting Head: dr n. med. Piotr Syrówka
Deputy Head: dr n. med. Iwona Słowińska
Doctors: lek. Zbigniew Krogulec, lek. Barbara Małdyk-Jankowska, lek. Rafał Kania,
Nurses: Joanna Pikulska – departmental nurse, mgr Jolanta Chojka, mgr Danuta Janowska, mgr Beata Waszkiewicz, mgr Ewa Pucek, mgr Joanna Wójcik, mgr Katarzyna Chomicka, mgr Bogna Myśliwiec, lic. piel. Anna Dubiel, piel. Elżbieta Gwara, lic. piel. Izabela Kabacińska,
piel. Agnieszka Kamińska, piel. Krystyna Kowalczyk, piel. Danuta Łukiewicz, piel. Renata Parafiniuk, piel. Beata Sokół, piel. Danuta Szczęsna,
piel. Lucyna Tobiasz, piel. Róża Basiak, lic. piel. Dorota Szczodra
Main tasks:
- surgical treatment of patients suffering from rheumatic diseases
- introducing new surgical techniques
- conducting research on the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients suffering from rheumatic diseases
- educating doctors wanting to do their specializations by taking part in internships organized by the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education in the field of orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
You may find out how long you will have to wait to get an appointment at the Rheumaorthopedics Clinic by calling +48 22 670-92-59.
Phone: +48 (22) 670 92 59
E-mail address: klinika.reumoortopedii@spartanska.pl