Committee for the control of hospital infections and the Hospital Infections Control Team
Chairwoman of the Committee for the control of hospital infections:
prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Brygida Kwiatkowska
Committee members:
prof. dr hab. n. med. Lidia Rutkowska-Sak – Doctor of the Developmental Age Rheumatology Clinic and Polyclinic
prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Robert Gasik – Head Neuroorthopedics and Neurology Clinic and Polyclinic
prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Głuszko – Head of the Rheumatology Clinic and Polyclinic;
prof. dr hab. n. med. Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska – Head of the Radiology Department;
prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Marzena Olesińska – Head of the of Systemic Connective Tissue Diseases Clinic and Polyclinic;
prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Krystyna Księżpolska-Orłowska – Consultant of the Rehabilitation Cardiology.Clinic
dr Bożena Wojciechowska – Head of the Central Clinical Laboratory;
mgr Katarzyna Karwicka – Chief Nurse;
mgr Alicja Tułodziecka – Pharmacy Manager;
mgr Małgorzata Grajewska – microbiologist;
lek. Marek Fijewski – occupational physician;
lek. Barbara Skrobot – epidemiologist;
mgr Jolanta Sochacka – epidemiological nurse;
mgr Marta Ługowska – epidemiological nurse;
Marcin Paszyński –sterilization technician
Tasks of the appointed committee:
- developing and controlling annual plans and directions related to the system of preventing and combating hospital infections;
- evaluating and analyzing the results of the activities of the Hospital Infections Control Team in the hospital;
- developing and updating standards of pharmacoprophylaxis and pharmacotherapy of infections and infectious diseases in the Institute.
Hospital Infections Control Team
Team leader:
epidemiologist Barbara Skrobot
Team members:
mgr Małgorzata Grajewska – microbiologist;
mgr Jolanta Sochacka – epidemiological nurse;
mgr Marta Ługowska – epidemiological nurse.
Tasks of the appointed team:
- developing, implementing and controlling the implementation and effectiveness of procedures and instructions related to the prevention and control of hospital infections;
- conducting internal audits and presenting results and conclusions to the Director of the Institute and to the Hospital Infections Control Committee;
- training the personnel on hospital infections control;
- consulting people suspected of being infected or suffering from an infectious disease and those diagnosed with an infection or an infectious disease.
Secretariat of the Committee for the control of hospital infections and the Hospital Infections Control Team
E-mail address: dyrektor.kliniczny@spartanska.pl
Phone: (+48)22844-30-82