Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji

  • NIGRiR
  • 2019
  • HR Excellence in Research – NIGRiR at the meeting for distinguished institutions at the Lodz University of Technology(current)

On 18 October at the Lodz University of Technology took place a meeting of Universities and Research institutes awarded with the HR Excellence in Research logo. The National Institute of Geriatric, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation also participated in this annual, prestigious meeting. Representatives of research and development entities involved in the ideas of supporting scientists in their development and scientific career, met to share their experience in the implementation of the European strategy Human Resources Strategy for Researchers based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


The special guest of the event was Michele Rosa – Clot, European Commission HR Strategy Representative (remote connection) and Lluís Rovira Pato, Director of CERCA (Centres de Recerca de Catalunya) in Barcelona – research centres established by the Catalan government. The two interlocutors underlined the importance of crossing borders for the development of science and spoke about the important role EURAXESS plays in supporting researchers in different research centres in Europe and beyond as a partnership of the parties.


An important part of the meeting was a panel led by assessors evaluating the implementation of HR Excellence in Research strategy at Universities and Institutions and a presentation presented by representatives of Research Institutes who are after the visit of EU Commissioners to their centres.

This event was also an important platform for meeting representatives of various research units from all over Poland and an opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of science and establish multilateral relations, which result in further development and integration of the scientific community.


The meeting took place in the beautiful scenery –  the campus of the Lodz University of Technology.

We would like to thank the hosts of the meeting and the representatives of EURAXESS Poland for the professional, prepared and inspiring meeting.


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