Submitted papers will be reviewed. The editorial office will choose the reviewer guided by the subject of the submitted article. A reviewer is a person, whose competences in a given field are certified by scientific achievements. He/she is independent of the author of the reviewed paper and independent of the editorial office.
A reviewer may refuse to draw up a review if:
- he/she thinks that the subject of the article is beyond his/her substantive knowledge,
- he/she doesn’t have the time to draw up a review,
- there is a conflict of interests with the editorial office or the author of the reviewed paper.
A review should contain the following:
- a conclusion on the overall evaluation of the paper,
- a substantive evaluation of the paper,
- an opinion on whether writing on the given subject is justified,
- an evaluation of the correctness of the statistical methods used,
- final remarks.
The recommendations of the reviewer will be presented to the author in writing. The reviewing process is confidential.