One of the treatment stages at the Institute is rehabilitation, aiming at restoring the patients full and maximal physical fitness through comprehensive activities in this field. Rheumatologic rehabilitation, applied at the Institute is inter alia aiming at treating connective tissue diseases, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. The Rheumatologic Rehabilitation Clinic operating within the Institute is:
researching on the rehabilitation of patients with chronic rheumatic diseases,
cooperating on scientific studies with other Clinics and Departments of the Institute as well as with research centers from outside of the Institute,
rehabilitating patients hospitalized in the Institute at the Rehabilitation Clinic and other Clinics of the Institute,
consulting other Clinics of the Institute,
educating in form of pre- and postgraduate trainings on any topic the Institute needs,
developing medical standards and guidelines,
developing, analyzing, evaluating and implementing new medical technologies and treatment methods, including new medical procedures and developing and disseminating methods for the evaluation of medical technologies,
disseminating results of R&D, including being a scientific information center,
providing research services and drawing up expertise and opinions in the field of R&D,
cooperating in the field of specialist supervision,
in accordance with an agreement with the National Health Fund we offer constitutional rehabilitation in stationary and daily branches.