Head of the Clinic: Beata Tarnacka, MSc, PhD, prof. NIGRiR
Deputy Head of the Clinic – stationary department: Julita Czech,
Deputy Head of the Clinic – daily department: Justyna Frasuńska
Coordinator of the team of physiotherapists specializing in rehabilitation: Edyta Kępska
Doctors and specialists in rehabilitation:
Beata Tarnacka, MSc, PhD, prof. NIGRiR , Julita Czech, Justyna Frasuńska, Paweł Turczyn, Barbara Dobies-Krześniak, Bożenna Szewczyk, Piotr Tederko, PhD, Piotr Wojdasiewicz, PhD , Maria Katkowska
Adiunkci: Teresa Sadura-Sieklucka, PhD, Piotr Tederko, PhD Piotr Wojdasiewicz, PhD
Physiotherapy technicians: Joanna Górecka, Dariusz Kłodziński, Giełżyńska Janina
Masseurs: Elżbieta Konopko, Jarosław Kacprzyk
Main tasks:
- pathomechanics of deformations of the musculoskeletal system in the course of inflammatory diseases and osteoarthritis
- prevention and treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system in the course of degenerative diseases, systemic connective tissue diseases and osteoporosis
- constitutional and local crymotherapy, mechanisms, clinical effects, indications and contraindications
- defining the role and the impact of various physical factors on the course of systemic connective tissue diseases
- developing rehabilitation principles for the treatment and prevention of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system in the course of inflammatory joint diseases and aging
- osteoporosis, sarcopenia – principles for rehabilitation and fracture prevention
- pain in rheumatic diseases; place of comprehensive rehabilitation with particular emphasis on physical procedures
- educating students of the Medical University of Warsaw and doctors wanting to do their specializations by taking part in internships and courses organized by the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education on medical rehabilitation
Secretariat of the Rehabilitation Clinic: mgr Marzena Bonder
Phone: +48 (22) 670 91 76
E-mail address: klinika.rehabilitacji@spartans
Secretariat of the Daily Department of Rehabilitation of the Musculoskeletal System: Ewa Chromińska
Phone: +48 (22) 670 91 78
E-mail address:oddzial.dzienny.rehabilitacji@spartanska.pl