Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji

The National Institute of Geriatry, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, 2 years after receiving the HR Excellence in Research award, has started to evaluate periodically the progress and effects of implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers within the HRS4R strategy.
Thanks to the adopted standards included in the Charter and the Code, the Institute is able to effectively develop a research institution, taking care of the scientific capital of its employees and cooperating research centres. In accordance with Article 23 of the grant agreement on the conditions of employment and career of a researcher, which states the obligation to take all measures to implement the Charter and the Code, in particular with regard to the following

  • working conditions;
  • transparent recruitment processes based on professional achievements,
  • and scientific career development

The Institute makes every effort to provide researchers with a safe working environment and takes care of the development of individual research careers, contributing to the competitiveness of Polish science in an international environment.
The HRS4R strategy adopted by NIGRiR enables the Institute to ensure favourable conditions for the scientific career development of its employees in Poland and abroad thanks to the principles of mobility and transparent recruitment processes. A great value for the Institute is also the community of HR Excellence in Research logos centred around the Euraxess network, which supports each other through the promotion of science and exchange of experiences between research centres.
Therefore, we took great care to evaluate the HRS4R strategy at our Institute in order to further develop the centre in accordance with the needs of the contemporary world of science and its researchers.
The results of this analysis are published in the form of documents below.

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