Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji

Code of Professional Ethics of nurses and midwives in the Republic of


I accept the title of Nurse/Midwife with deep respect and
honour and I hereby solemnly vow to:

1. Exercise professional care over human life and health;
2. Counteract suffering, prevent diseases, and participate in the therapeutical process
according to my best knowledge;
3. Help all humans, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, political views, property
status, and other differences;
4. Show due respect to patients and not to abuse their trust,
and maintain professional secrets;
5. Protect the dignity of the profession of nurse/midwife, approach my co-workers in a
polite and respectful way, not to challenge their trust, remain impartial, and treat the
interest of the patient as the uttermost priority;
6. Introduce to my practice the new achievements of medical and social sciences and
humanities, and improve my skills and knowledge regularly for the good of the
7. Perform my duties that result from my profession in a reliable way.

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