Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji

Regulation No. 17/2020 amending Regulation No. 2/2020 on appointing the Team for the implementation
of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of
Conduct in the recruitment of research workers and the determination of the
principles of the career path at the Institute

172020 LOGO HR

Ministry of the Interior’s announcement about internship, volunteering, and scientific cooperation for foreigners.

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Rules of the management of copyrights and related rights, industrialproperty rights, and the principles of commercialisation of the resultsof scientific research and development works.

Zarządzenie-nr-21_2020 – prawa autorskie


Internal Anti-Harassment Procedure (hereinafter: the IAHP) defines the manner of handlingcomplaints of employees concerning harassment at the National Institute of Geriatrics,Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation of Professor Eleonora Reicher, PhD., hab., M.D., in Warsaw

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