Narodowy Instytut Geriatrii, Reumatologii i Rehabilitacji

Order No. 6/2021

on the introduction of the Rules of Procedure for conducting research tasks financed under scientific activities of the Eleonora Reicher National Institute of Geriatrics,  Rheumatology and Rehabilitation in Warsaw

Order No. 6_2021.En

Attachment to order  6_2021.En

Regulation 30/2021 amending the Remuneration Regulations of the National Institute of Geriatrics,
Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation of Prof. Eleonora Reicher
in Warsaw, constituting the Appendix to Regulation 43/2011 of December 30, 2011

Regulation 30/2021

Regulation No. 4/2021 about Bioethical Committee at the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation of Prof. Eleonora Reicher, PhD. hab. M.D., in Warsaw.


Regulation No. 5/2021. Rules of the competition of research projects and development works aimed at the development of young scientists, financed as part of the scientific activities of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation of Prof. Eleonora Reicher in Warsaw.

 Regulation 5_2021

Attachment to regulation 5_2021


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