Social Seniors Council
The Director of the National Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute in Warsaw appointed following entities by virtue of the Directors Order no. 38/2015 of 18th November 2015:
- the National Geriatrics and Gerontology Council
- the National Rheumatology Council
- the National Rehabilitation Council
- the Social Seniors Council
Above mentioned Councils are initiating, consultative and advisory bodies of the Director of the Eleonora Reicher National Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Institute in the scope of its statutory activities and the development of scientific and research activities.
Tasks of the Social Seniors Council:
- educating society on old age in terms of physical and psychological changes during aging and the consequences of certain behavior,
- promoting proper lifestyles in terms of mental and physical health, including intellectual activity, nutrition and avoiding behaviors bearing health risks,
- developing and supporting physical activity,
- cooperating with Universities for Elderly People in terms of professional and social activation of elderly people, association and cooperation with patient organizations.